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September 2021

We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th
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Main Room40
11:30-12:00 Librarian out - Book talk 11:30-12:00
01:30-02:30 Librarian out 1:45-2:15
09:30-10:30 IR selection Major
01:00-02:30 IR selection Major
08:00-03:00 Modern Media
09:30-10:00 Ianotti - 9:35-9:40
12:30-01:00 Iannotti -book check 10 min
01:00-03:30 Modern Media
08:30-01:00 Small group Testing
08:00-08:30 Librarian with Ianotti
08:30-01:00 Small group Testing
08:00-08:30 Librarian Out 9:02-9:42
08:30-01:00 Small Group Testing Day #2
02:30-03:30 Librarian Out 2:40-3:10
10:00-10:30 Destiny Library Lesson
12:00-01:00 12:00-1:00 Librarian Out
08:30-09:00 8:30-9:00: Ianotti
09:00-09:30 Bell 9:00-9:30
11:00-12:00 11:08-11:38 Covering 6th grade lunch
12:30-01:00 12:30-1:00 Bell
01:30-02:00 Ianotti 1:20-1:47
02:00-02:30 2:00-2:30 Ianotti
02:30-03:00 Bell 2:30-3:00
08:00-08:30 Librarian Out All Day (space still available)
08:30-09:00 Destiny Instruction- Tripple
10:30-11:30 Destiny Instruction- Tripple
12:00-12:30 Destiny Instruction- Tripple
09:30-12:00 Destiny Caracci
12:30-01:30 Destiny Caracci
08:30-09:30 Destiny Lesson - Henderson/Walsh
01:00-01:30 Destiny Lesson - Henderson/Walsh
02:00-02:30 Destiny Lesson - Henderson/Walsh
08:30-09:00 Librarian out 8:45-9:15
09:30-10:30 6th Math Study group 9:15am
01:30-03:00 Librarian out 1:50-3:10
09:00-09:30 IR selection Major
01:00-01:30 IR selection Major
02:30-03:30 IR selection Major
08:00-09:00 Media - Green Screen
09:00-10:00 Destiny Instruction - SOAR
11:00-11:30 Libraian Out 11-11:30
01:00-02:30 Media - Green Screen
09:30-10:30 Librarian out 9:30-10:30 (Space available)
11:00-11:30 Librarian out 11-11:30 (space available)
01:30-02:30 Media - Green Screen
08:00-10:00 Media - Green Screen
10:30-12:00 Media - Green Screen
01:00-02:30 Media - Green Screen
Maker Space0
10:30-12:00 Media - Green Screen
LRC Director0
08:30-09:00 Henderson/Walsh
01:00-01:30 Henderson/Walsh
02:00-02:30 Henderson/Walsh
LRC Associate0