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August 2023

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Checkout (Dorota)0
11:00-01:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
11:00-01:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
11:00-01:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
11:00-01:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
11:00-12:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
10:00-11:30 All Staff Meeting
10:00-11:30 All Staff Meeting
10:00-11:30 All Staff Meeting
10:00-11:30 All Staff Meeting
11:00-01:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
11:00-01:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
08:30-09:30 Meet and Greet
11:00-01:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
07:30-07:40 First Student Day
11:00-01:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
11:00-12:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
11:00-01:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
11:00-01:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
07:40-08:30 Late Start
11:00-01:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
11:00-01:00 Dorota Kaczmarczyk Lunch Duty
Presentation Area0
10:00-11:30 All Staff Meeting
08:30-09:30 Meet and Greet
07:30-07:40 First Student Day
08:30-09:30 Lindstrom
10:50-12:00 Nathaus- Williams BUBBLES
07:40-08:30 PST Meeting
08:30-10:50 MAP Small Groups
10:50-12:00 WILK- Nathaus - BUBBLES
12:50-02:00 Nathaus- Pierce- BUBBLES
07:40-08:30 Late Start
10:50-12:00 LEPE- Nathaus- BUBBLES
08:30-10:50 MAP Small Groups
10:50-12:00 LINDSTROM- Nathaus BUBBLES
12:50-02:00 FINER- Nathaus BUBBLES
Virlas IIS0
10:00-11:30 All Staff Meeting
09:00-10:00 4th Grade TV Training
10:30-11:30 IIS and SCI Challenge Planning
08:30-09:30 Meet and Greet
09:40-10:40 5th Grade TV Training
12:00-01:00 3rd Grade TV Training
07:30-07:40 First Student Day
08:30-09:30 4th Grade Rotations
10:00-10:40 3rd Grade Rotations
01:30-02:10 5th Grade Rotations
07:30-07:40 Pierce
08:30-09:30 IIS Team Meeting
01:30-02:00 MAP Meeting - Dan
02:00-02:30 Assembly
08:00-08:30 Meet with Selene/Gretchen
08:30-09:00 Lindstrom
09:00-10:50 3rd Grade iPad Switch
10:50-12:00 BUBBLES
12:00-12:50 Lunch
01:00-01:30 IIS Supplies
01:30-02:30 IIS Planning
02:40-02:50 Bus Duty
08:30-10:00 5th Grade MAP Testing
10:00-11:30 4th Grade MAP Testing
12:00-12:50 Lunch
01:00-02:00 BUBBLES
02:00-02:30 Virlas - Ipad Expectations
07:40-08:30 Late Start
09:00-10:50 Learning Labs Planning
10:50-12:00 BUBBLES
12:00-12:50 Lunch
01:00-01:30 Bubbles
01:30-02:00 iPad Expectations
08:30-10:00 3rd/5th Grade MAP
10:00-11:30 4th Grade MAP Testing
12:00-12:50 Lunch
01:30-02:30 Pierce
Schiltz Lit. Coach0
10:00-11:30 All Staff Meeting
12:30-01:00 Literacy Catch-Up With Selene
10:00-10:30 Discuss Reader's Workshop Support
08:30-09:30 Meet and Greet
12:00-01:00 TV Training
01:00-02:30 Meeting With Matt Silverman
07:30-07:40 First Student Day
08:00-08:30 Dual Integration Planning
10:00-11:00 3rd Grade Rotations
08:30-10:00 Student Task Force Planning
11:30-02:30 Institute Day Co-Planning
07:30-08:00 Hoerr Soft Start
08:00-09:00 Meet With Selene
08:00-09:00 Meet With Selene
08:00-09:00 Meet With Selene
08:00-09:00 Meet With Selene
09:00-09:20 McKenna - Meet
09:20-09:40 Hagist - Meet
10:30-11:30 Lepe's Books
07:30-07:40 NWEA
07:40-08:00 Burgett Soft Start
08:00-11:00 Institute Planning at Glen Grove
12:00-01:30 Dual Language Running Records
07:30-08:30 Building Council
08:30-09:00 Tomaszewski Soft Start
09:00-12:00 Learning Lab Planning Meeting
02:30-02:50 Munoz Planning
07:30-07:40 NWEA
07:40-08:00 Greene Soft Start
08:00-10:00 Caplan Pierce NWEA Testing
02:30-02:50 Meet With Greene
Smeltekop LRC0
10:00-11:30 All Staff Meeting
12:30-02:30 Admin 2nd and 3rd Monday
08:30-09:30 Meet and Greet
07:30-07:40 First Student Day
10:00-11:00 rotations
08:30-10:00 Student Task Force Planning
01:00-01:40 mariano open ebooks
07:30-12:20 out of building
12:30-02:30 Admin 2nd and 3rd Monday
Nathaus Sci. Specialist0
02:00-02:50 K-2 Science Review
10:00-11:30 All Staff Meeting
10:30-11:00 IIS and SCI Challenge Planning
08:30-09:30 Meet and Greet
09:40-10:40 TV Training
01:00-02:50 Meeting with Matt Silverman
07:30-07:40 First Student Day
08:00-12:00 Science Specialist Meeting
01:30-02:30 Outdoor Recess Rotation 5th
09:00-09:10 Card Stock - Buehler
12:00-01:00 5th Grade Prep- Meeting with Lepe
07:30-08:00 Debbie Sanders - Butterflies
08:30-10:00 4th Grade Journals and Supplies
10:00-10:30 Lepe
11:00-12:10 Williams Bubbles
01:00-01:30 Pierce Science
01:30-02:00 Mariano Science BLOCK
09:00-09:30 4th team Meeting
09:30-10:00 4th team meeting
10:30-11:00 Lepe- Science
11:00-12:00 Wilk- Science Block
01:00-02:00 Pierce- Science BUBBLES
09:00-10:00 Pierce- Science Block
11:00-11:30 Lepe Bubbles?
11:30-12:00 Lepe- Science Block
01:00-01:30 Buhler- Science Block
01:30-02:30 Clarke- Day !
10:30-11:00 Pierce- Science
11:00-12:00 Lindstrom- Science BLOCK
01:30-02:00 FINER- BUBBLES